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As of 2001, over 3000 schools had year round schools. That's less then 4 percent.

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Q: What percentage of students drop out of year round school?
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Related questions

What is the percent of high school drop outs in America?

30% of students drop out. 30% of students drop out.

What accurate percentage of students leave school before they are 18?

Britain has one of the highest drop out rates among developed countries. Approximately 20 percent of students leave school at the age of 16 in the UK.

Why do Chinese students drop out of school?

I am not sure, I suppose for some of the same reasons other countries students drop out of school. Pressure, overload, etc.

What percentage of teenagers drop out of high school?

The national percentage of high school drop outs is 8.1 percent. Females have a 7 percent drop-out rate and males a 9.1 percent drop-out rate.

What Percentage of student that drop out of school?


What is the percentage of students who drop out of homeschooling?

it's much less than the pecentage that drop out of public high schools

How many people drop out of school because of buling?

1 out of 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying

What is the percentage of high school drop outs?

my answer is 1.5 million

What persent of Americans drop out of high school?

25% of American drop out of High School Nation wide. That's 1 out of 4 students.

What is the daily rate at which students drop out of school?

5 out of 15 kids

What is a drop out?

it is when the students are board of school or if they have family problems or a baby on the way.

What is a drop?

it is when the students are board of school or if they have family problems or a baby on the way.