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Q: What percentage of Harvard students believe in God?
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Does Harvard university teaching them not to believe the God?

no that's just a rumor

Why do students in catholic schools say the pledge of allegiance?

Because they believe in God!

What percentage of Americans are creationists?

No one knows exactly because most American Christians believe that God created our universe, but Science describes how God did it. Creationists believe that God used supernatural magic, not Science to create the Earth.

What percentage of people believe in some form of life after dealth?

answerAlmost all the people who are following the religions, revealed by God, believe that there is a life after death

Do Indians believe in god?

No they did not believe in god

how many people believe in god?

I believe in god. also, write why u believe in god :)

Did god make bedbugs?

If you believe that God made the world and everything in it, then you must believe that God made bedbugs. If you don't believe that God made the world, or if you don't believe in God, then you likely do not believe that God made bedbugs.

Man who does not believe in god?

Someone who doesn't believe in God is an atheistSomeone who is not sure whether there is a God or not is an agnostic.Someone who does believe in God is a theist

Why is your God the right God?

Because you believe he is the right God for you. It's what you believe that matters, not what someone else presume you believe or not believe in.

What god did Sikhs believe in?

They believe in one God.

Did there believe in god?

Most cultures believe in a God.

What is the difference between teaching a religion and advocating a religion to students?

This is teaching: "Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God" This is advocating: "Christians know that Jesus is the Son of God" or just "Allah is the only God and Muhammad was his prophet", as Islam teaches.