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73.7% Of People Agree That Cell Phones Should Be In The Classrooms Of School.

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Q: What percent of people agree that cell phones should be allowed at school?
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Related questions

Why should phones be aloud in school?

Phones should be allowed in school because if your in a serious emergency

Why are cell phones no allowed at school?

They aren't allowed at school so students won't have a distraction.

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How can cell phones be used in school?

Anything can be stolen at school. Cell phones can be stolen at school, but it is against school rules and the law, so even though it isn't allowed, it can happen.

Why cell phones should be allowed in school?

because teachers dont want you to txt on them in school

Why were people expelled for having cell phones at school?

Because students are not allowed to use cell phones at school. One reason is because who knows if they are text messaging during school session and they get a F on their test. They also might be calling during break when they are not supposed to.

Are phones allowed in elementery schools?

phones are allowed in my school but not for the middle of math, their only for emergencies and the bus

A thesis statement for cell phones being allowed in school?

can you help me write a thessis statement about the importance of cell phones in school

Should kids be allowed to have cell phones in school?

yes they should for emergiencies

Should students be allowed mobile phones school?

no it should not be allowed in schools

Should cell phones be allowed in school on?

Phones can be used as a calculator and they can be useful for emergency calls. However, they can be distracting in lessons so they should not be allowed out in lessons, just in bags.

Why arnt cell phones allowed at school?

because teachers need more rolls