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That is called the character's needs or goals. That is also the part that you use to drive the story forward.

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Q: What part of a story does the main character have to overcome problems?
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In what part of a story does the main character have to overcome problems?

the complication

What is the character in a story that is the face working against the central character of the story?

The character in a story that works against the main character is known as the antagonist. The antagonist creates conflict and obstacles for the protagonist to overcome, driving the story forward.

What is main character in a story?

The main character in a story is the central figure around whom the plot revolves. They are typically the character with the most development, growth, and significance in the story. The main character's actions and decisions drive the narrative forward and often face obstacles that they must overcome to achieve their goals.

Does antagonist mean a force working against the main character?

Yes, an antagonist is a character or force that opposes the main character (protagonist) in a story. Antagonists create conflict and obstacles for the protagonist to overcome.

What is a person who fights against the main character?

An antagonist is a character who opposes or stands in direct opposition to the main character in a story. They often serve as a source of conflict and are responsible for creating obstacles for the protagonist to overcome.

The character in the story that causes the problems for the main character is the?

There really is no name for that person. It's just a character that makes life miserable for the main character. She/he doesn't really have a name at all.

How can you tell a main character is a main character?

The main character, or protagonist, is the one the story's about. The character who is in most of the scenes -- or talked about the most -- will be the main character.

Who is the main character of a story?

The main character, or the central/primary character of a story is called the protagonist. It comes from the Greek word "protagonistes", which means "one who plays the first part, chief actor". The character that is the opponent of the protagonist is called the antagonist. The antagonist represents or creates and obstacle that the protagonist must overcome.

Which happens during a complication in a story?

A complication in a story is an event or problem that arises to challenge the main character or drive the plot forward. It introduces conflict and obstacles that the character must overcome in order to achieve their goals or resolve the story.

Can a house be the main character of a story?

Anything or anyone can be the main character of a story. There are several stories where a house is the main character.

In the short story who was the main character?

The main character of the short story was a young woman named Sarah.

This is the person or force that creates conflict for the main character in a literary work.?

The antagonist is the person or force that creates conflict for the main character in a literary work. They are often the character or element that the protagonist must overcome to achieve their goals or resolve the conflict in the story.