For Girl Scouts of the USA, Girl Scouts in grades Kindergarten and 1 are called Girl Scout Daisies.
Girl Guide/Girl Scout organizations in other countries use other names. For example, in Nigeria, Girl Guides age 4 and 5 are called Sunbeams. In South Africa, Girl Guides ages 4 1/2 to 7 are called Teddy. Hong Kong Girl Guides ages 4 to 6 are called Happy Bees. In Japan, Girl Scouts ages 5 and 6 are called Tenderfoot Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts of the Philippines call ages 4 to 6, Twinkler Scout.
For Girl Scouts of the USA, girls in Kindergarten or Grade 1 (ages 5 or 6) join the Girl Scout Daisy level.
Girl Scouts Daisies were created in 1984 by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) in order to add a level for girls in Kindergarten. In 2008, GSUSA changed their grade levels, so that Girl Scout Daisies currently include Kindergarten and grade 1.
Yes. Girl Guide (Girl Scouts) of Thailand is the name of the national organization.
No, "Pouli" is not the name used for Brownie Girl Scouts. Brownie Girl Scouts are a level of the Girl Scouts of the USA program for girls in grades 2-3. "Pouli" does not have any known association with the Girl Scouts organization.
American Girl Guides
The world association which Girl Scouts of the USA belongs to is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). So, depending on the member organization, they are usually called Girl Guides or Girl Scouts.
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When first starting Girl Guides/Girl Scouts in America in 1912, Juliette Gordon Low called the first troops American Girl Guides. A year later, the name was changed to Girl Scouts and, in 1915, the organization was incorporated as Girl Scouts, Inc.
For Boy Scouts, the largest gatherings are usually called "jamborees".Girl Guides and Girl Scouts use and have used various terms for large gatherings, including "roundup", "camporee", "world camp", and "jamboree". Currently, the largest gatherings for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) are called "international camps" or are given a specific name that describes the event.
The Boy Scouts of America uses several terms for local units:Cub Scouting- pack, divided into densBoy Scouting- troop, divided into patrolsVarsity Scouting- teams, divided into squadsVenturing- crewSea Scouting- shipLone Scouts- individual Scouts who cannot be part of a unit for some reasonThe BSA also has a non-Scouting educational subsidiary:Learning for Life- groupExploring- postUnits in a geopolitical area are administratively under a council which may be divided into districts; groups of councils form an area; groups of areas form one of four regions.Girl Scouts of the USA groups are called troops or groups. If a girl does not belong to a troop or a group, she is called a Juliette. Independently chartered Girl Scout councils provide direct services to the girls and the volunteers who support them. The National Headquarters in New York provides support to the Girl Scout councils.
It is a name given to an International Rally of Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts were founded in the US state of Georgia in 1912. Girl Scouts was founded by Juliette Gordon Low, who started the first troop in the state of Georgia in the USA in 1912 and they were called 'Girl Guides of America'. A year later the name was changed to 'Girl Scouts of the United States'. In 1915, the organization was incorporated as 'Girl Scouts, Inc.' under the laws of the District of Columbia. In 1950, 'Girl Scouts of the USA' was re-incorporated under a Congressional Charter.