The courses offered in college will depend on the type of college/university you attend and the degree program you choose to pursue. Most colleges offer a core curriculum of the basics and then expand on that with courses based on the degree path you have chosen.
Cosmetology is typically not a college or university program. The most prevalent schools offering this program are vocational schools. Now, if you are cosmetologist with a bachelor's degree, then yes you can pursue the master's degree.
It depends how the schools offers it. In most colleges I know of it is an associate of applied science (AAS) degree, which is designed to give a student all the expertise necessary to enter the workforce immediately after completion of the two year degree. However, it is not designed for transfer to a four year college or university. So, if you plan to pursue a bachelor's degree in the future (and in this field you should), then this is not the best type of degree to pursue. Still, you should check with your community college and inquire.
By most accounts, she was an average to above-average student. She graduated from high school, but did not want to pursue a college degree; she was mainly interested in becoming an entertainer.
software developer
Most colleges offer all three. However, most individuals pursue a degree.
Most social workers have a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW). Some, but not many have a degree in a related field. Thus, you can start with an associate degree, but you will have to pursue a bachelors degree afterward. The career counselor at the college you attend can advise you of the best approach at the associates level so that you have a smooth transfer to the four year college or university.
Most individuals pursue a college degree for the purpose of achieving their overall career goals and objectives. Some attend college to become better education and well rounded in an effort to make more well informed decisions in life. Others just have a passion for learning.Most individuals pursue a college degree for the purpose of achieving their overall career goals and objectives. Some attend college to become better education and well rounded in an effort to make more well informed decisions in life. Others just have a passion for learning.Most individuals pursue a college degree for the purpose of achieving their overall career goals and objectives. Some attend college to become better education and well rounded in an effort to make more well informed decisions in life. Others just have a passion for learning.Most individuals pursue a college degree for the purpose of achieving their overall career goals and objectives. Some attend college to become better education and well rounded in an effort to make more well informed decisions in life. Others just have a passion for learning.Most individuals pursue a college degree for the purpose of achieving their overall career goals and objectives. Some attend college to become better education and well rounded in an effort to make more well informed decisions in life. Others just have a passion for learning.Most individuals pursue a college degree for the purpose of achieving their overall career goals and objectives. Some attend college to become better education and well rounded in an effort to make more well informed decisions in life. Others just have a passion for learning.
A career in criminal investigation requires an extensive amount of college education. It is most advantageous to get a bachelor degree in forensic science, then to get a master's degree in either criminal law or criminal justice.
Anything is possible, but we are in a very competitive society today especially with so many jobs being lost. This makes the existing jobs that more competitive and without a college degree your chances are going to be slim. You say you have a passion for your field. If you have a real passion you will pursue it with everything you have. That means completing your degree.
Typically, in most all colleges today, a college degree would be necessary for this type of position. At the college and universities I teach at, a masters degree is required.
Picking a college degree can be a task that is quite hard because you are chosing a career you are most likely to spend with your life. Try picking out your interests and the types of activities that make you happy in your life.