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Q: What makes product unique and competetive?
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What is apple usp?

USP is Unique Selling Point or Proposition, and it is what makes the product unique in comparison to other similar products. Basically it is what makes people buy an Apple product instead of another company's product

What is a unique claim?

A unique Claim is a claim that makes a product more interesting the another product.Ex: " You'll find that only out cars have the Deluxe Air-flow system" or"Hypoglicia can only be found in out product"

Describe the unique aspects of sport product?

A sport product is something that makes a sport unique and different form other sports. For example: ultimate frsibee is a self-refereed sport even at international level

What is the unique selling point of Maybelline products?

Unique selling point is of a product is its that specific feature that makes it different from other products and its competitors. USP of Maybelline is its cosmetics that is a luxury yet accessible.

What makes person unique?

There is nothing that makes any individual unique.

What is a unique name under which a product is marketed?

product name

Are all the lines on a bar code the same width?

No. The point of a barcode is that the combination of thin and fat lines makes a unique code to identify the product by.

How do you describe what makes you unique?

what makes you unique is your own personality its what you do to make your self special

What makes the boreal forest unique?

The boreal forest is unique due to its extensive coverage in the Northern Hemisphere and its cold climate, characterized by long winter seasons. It is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species, some of which are specially adapted to the harsh conditions of the region. The boreal forest also plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate and storing carbon.

What percentage of DNA that makes us unique?

Approximately 0.1% of our DNA is responsible for the uniqueness we observe among individuals. This variation accounts for differences in physical traits, susceptibility to diseases, and other characteristics that set us apart from one another.

What makes a habitat unique?

it makes it unique because it is only for a sertain animal and will survive for that animal only What makes a habitat unique, is the animal that resides there. The habitat makes it possible for that organism to survive and thrive.

What makes a Portuguese man-of war unique?

What makes a portugese man of war unique is its shape