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If surgical candidates are socially or emotionally unstable before the operation, over the age of 30, or have an unsuitable body build for the new gender, they tend not to fare well after gender reassignment surgery.

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Q: What makes poor candidates for gender reassignment surgery?
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Does Christianity consider gender reassignment surgery a sin?

There is absolutely no teaching on this matter either in scripture or what has been revealed by The Holy Spirit since the beginning of Christianity. However, one must look to the teachings of Jesus to find a possible answer. He made it very clear that it is not what goes into a body that makes the body unclean. Nor should we worry about the body, or its appearance, as he compared the human to the lilies of the field which were beautiful and yet did not toil to buy fine clothes, a good'image' or a perfect body. Of course he was refering to things hat mattered in those times, but the general thrust of his argument is that the body is not important. What IS important is the content of the human heart. To humans someone like Mother Theresa might have been a wizened old lady, but to God the content of her heart made her beautiful in his sight. To some prejudiced people gender reassignment surgery might be considered purely cosmetic like a 'nose job' or breast enhancement, and purely done for appearance. In this case they would see it as a sin as that money could be spent for better purposes rather than because of someone's own vanity, and it would not fit in with the teachings of Jesus (see above). However, the vast majority of Christians would see gender reassignment surgery far from being purely cosmetic, but see it as a necessary procedure if someone feels trapped in the wrong gender and is no different from surgery necessary for any disease or condition. Therefore it cannot be consiidered a sin.

How many years is it to be fully transgender?

To fully transition takes at generally takes several years. Once a person makes the decision to fully transition from one gender to the other, they begin therapy and then when they are ready they start what is called a "real life test" where they are required to live as their "target" sex for one year. So a Male to Female TS woman will live and work as a woman for at least one year prior to being approved for the reassignment surgery.

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In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun 'testatrix' is a gender specific noun for a female who makes a will.The gender specific noun for a male who makes a will is testator.The noun 'testator' is also a common gender noun as a word for any person who makes a will.

What is called to the person who makes an surgery?

a surgeon

Why do I need to see so many doctors prior to surgery and who makes the final decision if I can have the surgery?

Doctors need to check if you are ready for surgery. The head doctor is the person who decided if a person can have a surgery but the patient or whoever has power of attorney makes the final decision.

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What type of exercises should be performed before and after the surgery?

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