You could find answers to a 9th grade physics test in the 9th grade physics textbook.
If you get a 58% on a test, the letter grade is an F, which means you failed the test.
A 90 percent on a test typically corresponds to an "A-" grade, assuming standard grading scales.
A 'C' grade means you scored average on that assignment or test. A list of what the various letter grades equal is below. A= Awesome B= Above Average C=Average D= Below Average F=Failure
The letter grade assigned to 79 depends on how well the students did who took the test. Some schools and teachers have fixed scales which they will tell you. In grade school. 79 is usually a C .
Simple three and four letter words are most appropriate for a 1st grade spelling test. If your child is already past this, you can try simple five letter words.
Your score on the test is 87.5% . It's up to the teacherwhat letter-grade to award for that score.
Your score is 831/3 percent.Your letter grade is whatever grade the teacher of that particular classdecides to award for that particular score on that particular test. It's notnecessarily always the same grade.
The grade speaks for itself. If you mean a letter grade, that would depend on the grade-scale which would depend on how hard the test or exercise was. In my grade school that score would have been a "C'. In my college classes, a "B".
15/18 is 83%, which is typically a B-minus on a letter-grade scale.
It means that on your test paper, 21% of the required responses were either missing or wrong. The letter grade is up to the individual teacher.
If Your test grade avearge is 57 and your assignment grade is 75 and the test grade counts for 75% and asignment 25%, then your grade is .75 (57) + .25(75) = 61.5