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Q: What language looks best on a college application?
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If skipping a class in high school it will make your college application look bad. I would tell you the best thing to do is stay in school.

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The NFL only looks for college football players that are at the University's but very few make it in. You have to be in the best shape of your life and really dedicate yourself.

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Choose JAVA

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Depends if it is application then : Java, c# If it is system level then : c,c++

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iPhone: Objective C Android: Java

The Morehouse College Application ?

Each year, numerous students fill out the Morehouse college application. The best thing any applicant can do is be thorough with their application and avoid mistakes. Errors can cost a person the chance to attend this college. A thorough and complete application will impress the individuals that approve applicants. The last thing anyone wants to do is weaken their chances of admittance. In the end, students must do what they can to make it in.

What is the newest prgramming language?

depends on the application you wish to produce ..... dot NET is probably the best for windows apps

What is the best language university in the US?

It depends on the language you wish to study. However, a lot of acclaim goes to Middlebury College in general for its linguistic culture.

Which is best Sony ericsson w8 or Samsung Galaxy fit?

SONY ER. better for looks, music, and evene application point of view.