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Intelligence agencies operate their on schools for intelligence agents to provide them with knowledge and skill needed for covert work.

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Q: What kind of education does a spy need College High School or specialized training?
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What is post training?

Post high school is education taken after completion of high school. You may hear the term post secondary education. This could mean college.

What do they mean by specialized field of study in high school?

High schools don't have specialized fields of study. They have general education classes and classes required for college entrance.

Any schooling that occurs after high school can be deemed?

Post-secondary education refers to any education/training after your secondary education (typically high school). This could mean university, college, technical school.

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You need to have taken high school or college courses in photography.

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Pre-med in college, followed by four years of Medical School and then two years of specialized training.

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8 years to be a veterinarian 4 years of college and 4 years of medical School

Is professional education the same with masters education?

It can infer the same level of training and education, but they are generally used differently. Professional training can mean a trade school instead of college, whereas, professional education is anything beyond a bachelors degree which would mean at least a masters degree.

What type of education should you have to work at planned parenthood?

People who work for planned parenthood may have a high school education, some college or technical school, bacherlors or advanced/professional degrees. The type of education and training required depends on the job.

What type of training to be a ob gyn?

Med school and then some. Many, Many years of specialized training

What education and training will you have when you have finished high school to become an tattoo and body artist?

A high-school education..

How long do pharmacists and pharmacy techs go to school?

Pharmacists require a college education, but a pharmacy tech requires 9 months to a year of training.

Where is the best plave to get Lvn Training in SC?

Aiken Technical College is a highly rated LVN Training school in South Carolina. You can also check online schools like the University of Phoenix. The best place to get lvn training in sc is to apply to South University College of Nursing. The school has online programs and is committed to excellence in education