Yaa is used when you want to calling some one.
for example,
Hey man, look at me
Hey is equivalent to Yaa
demookraateeya ( dee-moo-kra-tee-yaa )
Oh brothers ! = Yaa ikhwatee !
I love my son = "Ana ohebo ibny" أنا أحبُ ابني
"Abi" is written as أبي in Arabic, using the letters 'alif', 'ba', and 'ya'.
Talat Saleem has written: 'Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi'
Shukran jazeelan yaa habeebi شكرا جزيلا يا حبيبي (adressing a man) Shukran jazeelan yaa habeebati شكرا جزيلا يا حبيبتي (adressing a woman) Shukran jazeelan yaa hubbee شكرا جزيلا يا حبّي (both)
Yaa Asantewaa died in 1921.
a princess is called as "aliza" in arabic.
Depending on how its pronounced exactly, it can mean one of two things at least:Aliiyaan (stress (shadda) on the yaa') = two Alis; not common in Arabic but possible since there are sometimes names in the dual form such as Hasanain and Mohammadain.Alyaan (no stress (shadda) on the yaa' = 'he became high/exalted' in a colloquial or not-so-common use of the word (wazn = فعلان), similar to Hamdaan and Imraan. It also works in Arabic despite not being common.
Yaa Asantewaa Museum was created in 1992.
San Andrés Yaa's population is 378.
You might have a hard time finding that question here, but if you are trying to woo an Arabic speaker, perhaps you could impress him/her by reading the story of "Layla" in the Qu'ran then playing the song by Eric Clapton (inspired by the same story). Its an old Arabic love story.