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Q: What is true of experimental designs that are used in scientic research?
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What is a Quasi Research Design in Research methodology?

A quasi-experimental research design is a type of research methodology that lacks full experimental control but still allows for comparison between groups. It involves manipulating an independent variable to observe its impact on a dependent variable, but lacks random assignment to groups. This design is often used when true experimentation is not feasible or ethical.

What is non-experimental research?

Non Experimental Research. Involves studying naturally occurring variation in the dependent and independent variable without any intervention by the researcher.

What is the difference between true value and experimental value?

true value is something that is true and experimental value is some thing that has been experimental with

How does nonexperimental research differ from experimental research?

what is the difference between non experimental research and experimental research?

Are non experimental and quasi-experimental the same?

No. Non-experimental is NOT experimental . Quasi- experimental is fake or partially experimental . Not following the protocols of a true experiment .

Does the work of scientists begin with testing a hypothesis?

In an experimental project you will begin with background research and then make a hypotheses, and you will test it with different variables to prove your hypotheses true/false.

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Do experimental measurements give the true value of physical quantity?

Experimental measurements do not give the true value of a physical quantity. They provide an approximation or estimate of the true value, which may be influenced by factors such as experimental errors, limitations of measuring instruments, and uncertainties in the measurement process. Multiple measurements and statistical analysis are typically used to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results.

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Which type of research is most likely to reveal true cause-and-effect relationships?

Experimental research, where researchers manipulate an independent variable and observe its effect on a dependent variable, is most likely to reveal true cause-and-effect relationships. This type of research allows for greater control over extraneous variables and can establish a more direct link between the independent variable and the observed outcome.

What is a quasi experimental design?

A quasi-experimental design is a research method that resembles an experimental design but lacks the element of random assignment to groups. This means that the groups are not formed randomly, making it less able to establish causation between variables. It is often used when true experimentation is not feasible due to ethical, logistical, or practical reasons.

What does the company True Vision specialize in?

The company True Vision specializes in creating logo and ad designs. The company True Vision is a web design and graphic design company that does a great job in creating graphic designs.