The word SET has the most definitions of any word in the English language. SET has 464 definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary. Here's how the others stack up:
RUN - 396 (defs.)
GO - 368
TAKE - 343
STAND - 334
GET - 289
TURN - 288
PUT - 268
FALL - 264
STRIKE - 250
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the word Ok
similar in meaning to expedite.
The word slava can have more than one meaning. The most known and most common meaning of the word is glory or knowledge. It originates from the slavic language.
What word has a meaning that's most closely related to the word expeditious?Expedite
The term "cingulair" means "angular" and it has its root from the word "girdle". However, the meaning of this word is not readily available from most dictionaries as this is not a word most of the people would use.
of Comment
its denotation
No. The word almost is from the Old English word meaning: for the most part.
"Lasser" is a word in the French language. In English, its meaning most closely translates to the word "weary," as in weak and tired.
The word tentative means to be done without being certain or fixed without a doubt. The word most nearly similar in the meaning to tentative would be uncertain.