There are eight phonemes in the word "hippopotamus."
The Romanian language equivalent of hippopotamus is hipopotam.
Hippopotamus comes from the greek word "hippo" meaning horse. The greeks called hippopotamus' water horses. Hope this answer was helpful
Some three letter words that can be made from the word 'hippopotamus' are:ahiaimampaptashasphamhashathimhiphishithophumhutimpitsmapmatmoomopoatohmoutpatpippitpoipoppotpuppusputsapsatsitsopsotsouspasumsuptamtaptiptomtootopump
The Swahili word for "Hippopotamus" is "kiboko".
There are five syllables in "hippopotamus." HI-PO-PO-TA-MUS
river horse
The German word for hippopotamus is das Nilpferd(or more rarely das Flußpferd) (lit. Nile horse or river horse)
महिला दरियाई घोड़ा [ Mahilaa dariyai ghoda ] is the hindi word for female hippopotamus.