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There have been several names for Japanese currency throughout history, most coin systems started through interaction with China around the 7th century.

  • 富元銭 (tomimotosen) ~aprox 630 CE was actually Chinese currency (Tang Dynasty)
  • 皇朝銭 (kouchousen) ~aprox 708 CE, was the first official Japanese Currency System with 和同開珎 (wadokaichin) coins
  • 開基勝寶 (kaikishouhou), 大平元寶 (taiheigenbou), and 万年通寶 (mannentsuuhou) were introduced during a currency reform in 760 CE
  • Ultimately, the 皇朝銭 system failed, the last coin being 乾元大寶 (kaigendaihou), introduced in 958 CE.
  • In the 12th century, a resurgence in trade forced the need for a currency and Japan began using the Chinese Currency of the era which lasted until the 17th century.
  • Beginning 1601, Japan began using 大判 (ooban), 小判 (koban), 二分判 (nibuban), and 一分判 (ichibuban). The system was introduced by Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川 家康), the first Shogun of the Edo Period (江戸時代, edo jidai).
  • During 幕末 (bakumatsu, final years of Edo Period 1858-1864) Japan's currency fell apart due to excessive exportation of gold. Eventually leading to a brief perod of time where Mexican coins were given official currency status.
  • Finally in 1871, 3 years after the Meiji Restoration, Japan saw the introduction of the yen.
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