Norwegians have several words for grandmother. The general term is bestemor. That covers all grandmothers. But most norwegians differ between your mother's mum and your father's mum. bestemor = grandmother
mormor = "mother's mum"
farmor = "father's mum"
The word for grandmother in Norwegian is "bestemor."
Grandmother in Norwegian is bestemor, BUT you can also say mormor if she's the mother of your mother, and farmor if she's the mother of your father.
Bestemor -> Grandmother Bestefar -> Grandfather Also: On the mothers side: mormor -> Grandmother (mothermother) morfar -> Grandfather (motherfather) On the fathers side: farmor -> Grandmother (fathermother) farfar -> Grandfather (fatherfather)
mormor - Mother's mother (maternal grandmother) farmor - Father's mother (paternal grandmother) bestemor - Grandmother (best mother)
The Norwegian word for "yes", is "ja".
The Norwegian word for pig is gris.
The Norwegian word for rainbow is regnbue.
The norwegian word for angel is: engel
the Norwegian word is Ravn.
The norwegian word for fox is "rev".