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it is all about the polluted air or dirty air....

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

no assignment kawawa....


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Q: What is the topic of Sydney Harris' research work?
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What is the difference between thesis and project?

A thesis is more or less a research project. Part of the PhD/research work is given to you as your thesis topic. On the other hand, a project is not necessarily a research work. It is mostly a experimental work/practical work. Correct me if im wrong.

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It should be a research work by work on all aspect of the topic and reporter should be unbiased but don't insert his own opinion in the story.

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There is no easy way. Earning a PhD requires original work and thought process.

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Identify a research question or area of interest in social work. Conduct a literature review to see what research already exists on the topic. Develop a research design, including methodology and data collection techniques. Collect and analyze data, draw conclusions, and disseminate findings through publication or presentation.

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If you are researching topics in artificial intelligence here are a few artificial intelligence research topic, Natural Language Processing Computer Vision Internet of Things When you decide to write an artificial intelligence research paper, you may start exploring what has never been explored and look for the best research paper examples in artificial intelligence to help you with your writing work.

Sample of research paper about poverty is not a hindrance to gain your success?

You need to write this. No one on Wiki can do the work for you and I am sure that you were given a sample of a research paper before getting this assignment. Pick your topic, narrow it down, do a outline, do the research, write the paper.

What is Harris Academy's motto?

Harris Academy's motto is 'By hope and work'.

How important is research to a topic?

Research is crucial to understanding a topic thoroughly, gaining insight into different perspectives, and supporting arguments with evidence. It allows for the discovery of new information, enhances the credibility of one’s work, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in that field. Research helps to build a strong foundation for informed discussions and decision-making.

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The way to pick a topic for an essay is to pick something you are interested enough in to do the research - getting a topic from someone else isn't going to help you much because you won't want to do the work. Pick something that makes you want to get online and dig out information about it.

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