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punto (i)

acento o tilde (í)

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Q: What is the thing on an I in spanish called?
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What factors contributed to the Spanish victory over the Aztecs?

The Spanish had a better well trained soldiers, weapons, armor, and one thing called the smallpox.

What does cubres mean in Spanish?

there is such a thing called google translator next time use it this time i will help you. cubres according to the google translator means coverslips sorry i am not spanish nor take spanish

What does you miestra de esponal mean?

it means spanish teacher...theres a cool thing called google translate :)

What is the word whiteout when translated from English to Spanish?

AnswerBlanca means white and fuera means out but if you mean the product called "White Out" I don't know of any translation for it. It would then be called the same thing in Spanish as in English.As far as I know, is called 'corrector liquido'

What is a Spanish girl called?

A spanish girl is called chica

What is the spanish word for pitiful thing?

pitiful thing = pobrecito

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It means the same thing in Spanish.

What is the word for bayou in spanish?

bayou is the same thing in Spanish: bayou

What is Spanish a person place or thing?

The noun 'Spanish' is a word for the language originating in Spain; a word for a thing. The noun 'Spanish' is a word for the people of Spain; a word for people.

Is Spanish a person place or thing?

The noun 'Spanish' is a word for the language originating in Spain; a word for a thing. The noun 'Spanish' is a word for the people of Spain; a word for people.

What are the floats called in spanish?

Floats are called "carrozas" in Spanish.

How are edges called in spanish?

Edges are called "bordes" in Spanish.