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There are many themes in Year of Wonders.

There's the issue of feminism and women's rights, Anys is the main figure for this theme as she sleeps around and refuses to get married. It is after her visit to Anys that Anna begins to notice how the women are 'chained' to their man folk. Aswell, Mompelion forcing his wife to atone for her self abortion by not sleeping with him.

There are HEAPS of examples in here, you just have to look.

There's the issue of god and faith. At the begining, everybody has their full faith in religon and the church but as the novel goes on people begin to loose faith. Take when Anna considers the rock she tripped on and wonders whether it was placed by god.

Also to do with this theme is how various characters turn to other religious practices such as Anna's step mother and the guy (I cant remember his name :b) who turns to flagalism (sorry about spelling)

Again, the Gowdies have extreme relevance here as they are healers and accused of witchcraft.

There's the element of growth and evolvment of character. While Anna grows strong and becomes a hero, many either die or come out of the story worse for wear, like Mompellion.

Life and Death. Anna, after witnessing such destruction due to illness, ends up entering midwifery and aiding the enterance of many many children into life. Also Elinor, who is a large symbol in the novel or goodness and life, ends up dying.

I picked up on the love triangle between Anna, Mompellion and Elinor. There is reference to Mompellion being infatuated with Anna, such as when he lingers when she is breastfeeding, and at the end when they sleep together. However, in a way I saw Anna as admiring Elinor to the point of loving her and even being so obssessed as to want to BE Elinor, hence the sleeping with her husband and then feeling terrible after she learns Elinor had not. She also mentions being jealous of Mompellion at one point.

I'm sure there are heaps more aswell, I can't remember anymore of the top of my head though but good luck :D

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