Since a hole can mean different sorts of voids or openings in English, you will need to determine which of these holes you mean:
A hole = Ein Loch, A hole in the ground= eine Grube, a penetration = ein Eindringen
A "hole" in German is "Loch", "Öffnung" or "Bohrung".
In German the English word "loyal" is also used, but the correct German term is "ergeben"
The word "sinkhole" originates from the Middle Low German term "sinken" which means to sink, and "hohl" which means hole. It has been used in English since the 18th century to describe a depression or hole in the ground caused by the collapse of surface layer materials.
The term used in golf to refer to the number of strokes in which a hole is designed to be played is called "par."
The term "Floppy disk" is also used in German as is "Diskette" or "Floppy"
Ozone hole is the term. It is the thinning of ozone layer.
It was a term used for German nationals.
"Was ist los" is the common term used.
"Eine von denen" is the term used.
Nazism is the term usually used for German fascism or nationalism. It stands for the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
"Killing fields" is also used as a term in German for those places in Camboscha
The medical term for one nose hole is naris (plural nares). Nostril is the more commonly-used term.'nose hole is another name for 'nostril'nasal passage