'Singspiel' is German for song-play and is a term for a German opera in which musical numbers are separated by dialogue. Examples being - Beethoven's 'Fidelio' and Mozart's 'Die Entfuhrung' and 'Magic Flute'
The term for opera in Manhattan is opera.
Beethoven's opera Fidelio is in German.
The term Elodia refers to the concept album and rock opera released by German duet Lacrimosa. The literal meaning of Elodia translates to "marsh flower".
Colic is the term for smooth muscle spasm. When found in the ureter, it's known as ureteral colic, and in the bladder, bladder colic.
Baby Colic is a term used to describe a baby that appears to be in distress without a discernible reason. Baby Colic is often expressed by frequent and seemingly uninterruptable crying.
Italian opera mainly focused on the voice not the music.The style was known as bel canto.There are less instruments used in italian opera compared to german opera.German opera often employed "singspiel" which is spoken not sung words.The melody in italian opera was more melosmatic and more syllabic in german opera.
The German federal opera
Mozart's finest and probably most famous German opera was The Magic Flute.
18th century comic opera
There is no such thing as a sinspiel. The closest word to it is singspiel, which is a German word for a German Opera.