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Almost any and everyone can pursue online education. Majority of the people who opt for distance education are working individuals, disabled people and those who need more convenience in the their schedule.

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Q: What is the target group for distance learning?
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Point target range is the distance that a trained shooter could hit a target the size of one person. An Area Target range is the distance at which that same shooter could hit some of a group of people.

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"The study's target group" is more concise and direct than "the target group of the study." It is clear and to the point.

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Computer based learning is a subset of methods of distance learning.

Which group was the target of persecutions?

The target group were groups of christianity.

What is the population of Target Group?

The population of Target Group is 2,011.

When was Target Group created?

Target Group was created in 1979.

What is Target Group's population?

The population of Target Group is 448.

What is the definition of Target Group?

A target group are your end users.

Where can I get aeronautics science distance learning?

Check out Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Distance Learning . It is the top rated distance learning program in aeronautics.

What group was not a major target in the holocaust?

Almost every group was not a target in the Holocaust. Jews were the target, you could also argue that gypsies were a target also.

When was Mesa Distance Learning Program created?

Mesa Distance Learning Program was created in 1999.

Specific to objective of curriculum?

Learning target