Grey has one syllable.
I syllable GRASP no other ones so it's only 1
There are two ways to pronounce Greer. Most people pronounce it as a single word, giving it only one syllable, while some others put an extra emphasis on the -er ending, giving it two syllables.
A closed syllable. An open syllable. A vowel-consonant-e syllable. A vowel team syllable. A consonant-le syllable. An r-controlled syllable.
The accented syllable in "wanders" is the first syllable, "wan."
The accented syllable in the word "fierceness" is the first syllable, "fierce."
The stressed syllable in the word "morning" is the first syllable, which is "mor."
The second syllable of unique is a stressed syllable.
The stressed syllable in the word "belief" is the first syllable, "be."
First syllable.
there are three in the word syllable
The stressed syllable in "believe" is the second syllable - "lieve."