"μαθηματικά" (matheemateeka)
The study of sponges is called Spermitology, orgination is from greek tradition of sponge study
It's called "Numberwang".
A concordance.
The study of Greek and Roman history, culture, art, literature and theatre is called classics.
It is called "Ichthyology" derived from the Greek "Ikhthu" meaning Fish, and "Logos" meaning Study. This is a branch of Zoology - Marine Biology - Ichthyology.The study of fish is called ichthyology.
Hoplology - from Greek: hoplos (a mythical plate-armored animal) and hoplite, the term for the classical Greek warrior
In Jewish contexts, it's called Gematria. Otherwise, it's called numerology.
It's from Ancient Greek (zōon, "animal") + (logos, "knowledge")
Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.Aristotle define mathematics as the science of quantity. That definition has gradually changed to the study of numbers, quantities and space. But there are more aspects to the subject: the study of patterns, for example.The best answer is to go back to the origin: Greek "mathema" which meant knowledge.
The study of numbers is known as Numerology.