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Q: What is the spanish word for things?
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What does the word are mean in spanish?

Since "are" is not a Spanish word, I assume you mean "What is the Spanish word for 'are'?" Are in Spanish is either son or están. They are used in different ways, but a general rule is that son is used for things that are permanent, and están is used for things that are temporary.

What is the opposite of the spanish word personas?

The opposite of the Spanish word "personas" would be "cosas," which means "things" in English.

Where does the word burro come from?

It's the Spanish for 'a donkey', among other things

What does reglas mean in Spanish?

"Reglas" in Spanish can mean "rules" or "norms."

What word comes after yo in Spanish?

"Yo" means I in Spanish and could be followed by a variety of things,usually though a verb.

Where does the word hacienda come from?

Spanish from Latin 'facienda' meaning things to be done, from facere to make or to do.

What does estaren mean in Spanish?

I don't think there is such a word as "estaren" in Spanish. You may mean two things instead: estar en -> to be in estarán -> you (plural)/they will be

Is guitar a spanish word?

The spanish word for guitar is Guitarra. This English word came directly from the Spanish word, but it is not a Spanish word any more than the Spanish word is an Arabic word. "qutar" or a Greek word Chirara.

How do you say the word IS in spanish?

The word "is" in Spanish can be either "es" or "está", depending on how it is used. Please see the Related Link below for the different uses of these words. Generally speaking, "es" is for permanent things, and "está" is for temporary things.

What is the word in spanish for ready?

If the thing or person that's ready is feminine, the word is "lista." If the thing or person that's ready is masculine, the word is "listo." If the things or persons that are ready are feminine, the word is "listas." If the things or persons that are ready are masculine, the word is "listos." If the things or persons that are ready are both masculine and feminine, the word is "listos."

What is the Spanish for the word of?

"De" is the Spanish word for "of".

The Spanish word for did?

The spanish word for did is hizo.