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Satan and his wife a pure virgin christian who was raped and had a child = a son for Satan to defy christ who was gods son.

supposedly the ender of earth during the holy wars

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Q: What is the seed of Satan?
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How is Christ shown in Genesis in the Bible?

Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." After God curses the physical serpent in verse 14 He then turns to the spiritual serpent, Satan. This "first gospel' is prophetic of the struggle and its outcome between "your seed" (Satan and unbelievers), who are called the Devils children (John 8:44, and her seed (Christ, a decendant of Eve, and those in Him. "He' is Christ who will one day defeat Satan. Satan could only bruise Christ heel, while Christ will bruise Satan's head(Destroy him with a fatal blow).

Can a person be the son of Satan?

If a man deliberately commits sin and knowingly does so, he places himself in the hands of Satan. This is only figurative as Satan cannot have children. He can only adopt those who choose him as their father.

When Jesus spoke to the serpent what did he mean your seed will not be like her seed?

After God came to the Garden where Adam and Eve sinned He, the LORD God (Yahweh) said to the serpent in v. 15, " And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed...." After God cursed the physical serpent, He then turned to the spiritual serpent, Satan, and cursed him. "your seed", this is the children of the devil or sinners who will not repent. "and her seed", this is Jesus the Christ. Jesus is a descendant of Eve. This portion of Scripture is known as the "first gospel". The woman's offspring called "HE" is Christ, who will one day defeat the Serpent (Satan). Satan was defeated at the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus from the grave 2000 years ago. Although Satan is still active today he has been defeated and will someday go to the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10).

What does it mean when God said her seed shall burise his head and his seed shall bruise her heel?

This passage in Genesis 3:15 is often interpreted as a prophecy of the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ over Satan. The "seed" refers to Jesus (from Eve) and Satan, with the bruising of the head representing a fatal blow to Satan's power and the bruising of the heel symbolizing a temporary setback for Jesus. It's seen as a foreshadowing of the redemption and defeat of evil through the sacrifice of Christ.

God's pronouncement of Satan's defeat is first stated in the book of who?

God's pronouncement of Satan's defeat is first stated in the first book of the Bible, in Genesis 3:15. In his 'Explanatory Notes On The Whole Bible' John Wesley says of this verse:-...Notice is here given them of three things concerning Christ. (1.) His incarnation, that he should be the seed of the woman. (2.) His sufferings and death, pointed at in Satan's bruising his heel, that is, his human nature. (3.) His victory over Satan thereby. Satan had now trampled upon the woman, and insulted over her; but the seed of the woman should be raised up in the fulness of time to avenge her quarrel, and to trample upon him, to spoil him, to lead him captive, and to triumph over him

What dos it mean the seed of a women will crush the head of Satan?

This passage, found in Genesis 3:15, is seen as a prophecy referring to Jesus Christ defeating Satan. The "seed of a woman" represents Jesus, and "crushing the head of Satan" symbolizes Jesus' victory over evil and sin through his sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead. This passage is often understood as a foreshadowing of the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

Does Marc ecko worship Satan?

I'm not sure what the man does, but his clothes make references to being satan's soldier or satans seed. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't own a shirt with it on it. He could worship satan or it could be a marketing gimmick!

What is the significance of Genesis 3 verse 15?

This verse is known as the protevangelium, meaning "The First Gospel." It predicts continuing hostility between Satan and the woman who represents all mankind and between Satan's seed (his agents) and her Seed (the Messiah). The woman's Seed would crush the Devil's head, this means a mortal wound spelling utter defeat. This happened at Calvary when the Savior decisively triumphed over the Devil. Satan, in turn, would bruise the Messiah's heel. The heel wound here speaks of suffering and even of physical death, but not of ultimate defeat. The significance of this is - this is the beginning of the story of redemption.

Was Satan a man or woman?

Satan is a god. Not God almighty, but a god of evil and sin. The serpent was Satans man, without a mate. Which is why he mated with the woman to produce offspring of his own. His seed mixed with Adam's seed to take on human life form, which is why Adam named his wife Eve. The mother of all living.

Why is genesis 315 important for world culture?

This verse is known as the protevangelium, meaning "The First Gospel." It predicts the perpetual hostility between Satan and the woman (representing all mankind), and between Satan's seed (his agents) and her Seed (the Messiah). The woman's Seed would crush the Devil's head, a mortal wound spelling utter defeat. This wound was administered at Calvary when the Savior decisively triumphed over the Devil. This is important for world culture because it shows us God is in control.

Was Cain the son of Adam or Satan?

Cain (Qabeel) was the son of Hazrat Adam (AS). He killed his brother Habeel. He was not the son of Satan. No one should attribute his sins to Satan. Satan just lures a person to commit sin, it is the person himself who commits sin. We are responsible for our sins.

English to German for word Satan?

It's just Satan still