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forma, formae (f)

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Q: What is the root word for to form?
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What is the root word for the word platform?

the root word is form

Is form the root word for inform?

Yes, the word "inform" has its root in the Latin word "forma," which means shape or form.

What is the root word of uniformed?

The root word of "uniformed" is "uniform," which comes from the Latin word "uniformis," meaning "having one form."

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The base form of a word is referred to as its?

The base form of a word is referred to as its "root" form. It is the simplest form of a word before any affixes (prefixes or suffixes) are added to it.

What is the root word meaning to form?

The root word meaning "to form" is "struct." This root is commonly found in words like "structure," "construct," and "destruct."

The combining form is?

Combing form is the root of a word. This is a medical word.

What is the root word in the word of reformation?

The root word in "reformation" is "form," which means to shape or mold.

What is the root for inform?

The root word for "inform" is "form," which comes from the Latin word "formare," meaning "to shape" or "to give form to."

What is the earliest form of a word called?

The earliest form of a word is called the "root" or "proto-word." It represents the basic, original form of a word before any modifications or derivations occur.

What is the root word for unthreatened?

The root word for unthreatened is "threaten." The prefix "un-" is added to the root word to form the word unthreatened.

What is the root word for transform?

Form is the root word for transformer. Trans is the prefix, er is the suffix