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The role of the students is also evolving in the second language classroom. Students are becoming more active in their role as learners and are playing a major part in many aspects of the Core French class.

One significant development is the amount of student input and decision-making that naturally occurs in the development of the unit. In the initial phase of a unit, students are asked for their input and the knowledge that they possess on a particular subject. It is this input phase that begins to motivate the students. Students are encouraged to make a number of decisions. They need to decide what vocabulary and structures are important for their activities and projects. The decisions that are made regarding the projects reflect the interests and strengths of the students. Although there are specific objectives and guidelines that need to be met in the second language classroom, students who are allowed some freedom to move within the parameters are more likely to remain motivated and on task.

The experiential goal at the end of the unit gives the students the opportunity to work toward their potential. The students become aware of this project in the early stages of the unit.They are then able to tailor their vocabulary, their activities and their thinking toward the final task. As the students realize that the work they do within the class leads them toward their final goal, they are much more inclined to stay on task. Students are able to personalize their projects and use their personal abilities and talents. Students with a strong French background may wish to expand on the oral or written aspect of the projects. Students with artistic or creative talents may wish to add an original dimension to the finished product. Students with a lesser degree of language skill will also be able to work toward their own potential. Students learn in different ways and at a different pace and their final projects will reflect these unique differences.

As students become more responsible for their own language learning, their success in the second language class increases. The work that students do in the Core French class takes on new meaning as the students work toward a final task. Student self-evaluation becomes more common as the students reflect on what they have learned, how they have learned and what they still need to learn.

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Q: What is the role of student towards the teacher?
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