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Q: What is the rate of evaporation of xylene compared to ether?
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What is the evaporation rate of diethyl ether rel to n-butyl acetate?

Diethyl ether has a higher evaporation rate compared to n-butyl acetate due to its lower boiling point and higher vapor pressure. This means that diethyl ether will evaporate more quickly than n-butyl acetate when exposed to the same conditions.

How wind affect rate of evaporation?

A strong warm wind will speed up evaporation giving us higher rates of evaporation in compared to a still cool day

What is the rate of evaporation of methanol?

The rate of evaporation of methanol can vary based on factors such as temperature, surface area, and presence of air flow. In general, methanol has a faster evaporation rate compared to water due to its lower boiling point. Factors such as humidity and pressure can also influence the rate of evaporation.

What is the rate of evaporation of chloroform?

The rate of evaporation of chloroform can vary depending on factors such as temperature, surface area, and airflow. In general, chloroform evaporates relatively quickly compared to other liquids due to its low boiling point.

What is evaporation rate of liquid carbon dioxide?

The evaporation rate of liquid carbon dioxide is relatively high compared to other liquids, as it easily changes from a liquid to a gas at standard temperature and pressure. The rate of evaporation will depend on factors such as temperature, pressure, and surface area exposed to air.

What happens when the rate of evaporation of a liquid as the liquid is cooled?

Rate of evaporation depends on temperature. As Temp decreases, so does the rate of evaporation.

Is evaporation rate of iso propyl alcohol higher than chloroform?

Yes, the evaporation rate of isopropyl alcohol is higher than that of chloroform. Isopropyl alcohol evaporates more quickly due to its lower boiling point compared to chloroform.

How a warm day affect rate of evaporation?

The rate of evaporation increases

Will gasoline evaporate at 32 degrees Fahrenheit?

Gasoline can evaporate at temperatures as low as 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but the rate of evaporation will be much slower compared to warmer temperatures. Factors such as humidity and ventilation can also affect the evaporation rate of gasoline at this temperature.

Does colored water affect evaporation resherarch?

Colored water may affect the rate of evaporation compared to clear water due to factors like absorption of sunlight and heat retention. The color can impact how quickly the water absorbs energy, which may influence the rate of evaporation. Conducting research on colored water's effect on evaporation could provide insights into these factors.

Why the bigger the surface area the faster the rate of evaporation of water?

A larger surface area provides more space for water molecules to escape into the air, increasing the rate of evaporation. This is because there are more molecules at the surface exposed to the air, leading to more rapid evaporation compared to water with a smaller surface area.

How does temperature affect the rate of evaporation?

The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of evaporation. It is