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When schools take students to the theatre it is usually to see a particular production. TiE, on the other hand, starts with an educational topic or debate and develops a show around it. There are a number of companies in the UK that specialise in producing theatre to be performed in schools. Such productions often have drama workshops attached and may involve the pupils in the performance itself.

Because these groups specialise in educational work, the performances have been designed with particular aspects of the curriculum in mind. Some will always link their work to a particular Key Stage, whilst others will design various projects for different ages. In addition, a number of companies aim their performances at specialised groups, for example, Oily Cart Children's Theatre works with students with multiple learning disabilities. TiE productions are also especially adapted for touring, making them flexible enough to perform well in school settings.

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12y ago

The purpose of T.I.E is to educate while entertaining.

Also it is to teach people in a different and unique way as it is entertaining and differs from the teaching in the classroom.

It also helps to express hard hitting morals in a different light.

Hope this helps :)

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