

What is the purpose of the Literacy Test?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Katya Ruggieri

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Literacy tests can provide an objective basis on which to assess a person's literacy. Written language requires a clarity of expression not required in oral language, and can encompass more complicated expressions not possible in conversation. Many people can convert oral language into written symbols, but that does not make them literate.

Imposing literacy tests upon an electorate is a form of gerrymandering, where the party in power expects the illiterate portion of the population to vote against them. It is similar to restricting the vote to those who own property of a certain value. In fact, countries with a high illiteracy rate have been able to effectively record the votes of that part of the population.

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Literacy Test cuz they couldnt read

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If you are referring to the literacy test that the south gave to African American voters during the reconstruction period after the civil war, they were given a literacy test and, if they failed, they were denied their right to vote. Mind you, the tests were very, very difficult.