"NOHN-nah" and "NOHN-noh" are the respective pronunciations of the Italian words nonna and nonno.
Specifically, the word nonna is a feminine noun. It means "grandmother". The masculine noun nonno translates as "grandfather".
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Nonna e nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "grandmother and grandfather." The feminine singular noun, conjunction, and masculine singular noun represent the way in which a family calls a grandparently couple in their presence and absence. The pronunciation will be NON-na ey NON-no" in Italian.
Nona and Nono are Italian equivalents of the English words "Grandma" and "Grandpa."Specifically, the feminine noun nona is a shortened form of nonna, which means "grandmother." The masculine noun nono likewise is a shortened form of nonno, which means "grandfather." The respective pronunciations are "NOH-nah" and "NOH-noh."
yes there is! in Egypt for example many people refer to their grandmothers as nena pronounced neh-nah or something close to that. many words are similar in the mediterranean even crossing language borders
In Italian it translates to nipoti. Always remember that depending on the context of your sentences, the translation can vary. There may also be slang terminology if you were to travel to Italy. Keep in mind that online translators may not always be correct, they are a reflection of the exact words you have typed in.You can see more, as well as other language translations for this word or phrase on answers.com at the following link: http://www.answers.com/grandchildren.
No, Kyle is an Italian equivalent of 'No, Kyle'. The words are the same in Italian as English. But the pronunciation differs. In Italian, the words are pronounced 'noh KEE-leh'.
BEH-kehr is an Italian pronunciation of 'Becker'. The name in English isn't native to Italy. Words that include the letter 'k' tend to be foreign and loan words in Italian.
SHEEL-lah is the way in which the Italian town of Scilla is pronounced. But its pronunciation and spelling are identical to two other words in Italian. One is the botanical name for 'squill'. The other is the name of the mythical monster, 'Scylla'.
Prossimo in the masculine and prossima in the feminine are Italian equivalents of the English word "next."Specifically, the Italian words are adjectives. The pronunciation of the masculine form is "PROHS-see-moh." The pronunciation of the feminine form is "PROHS-see-mah."
Come is an Italian equivalent of the English words "as" and "like".Specifically, the word is an adverb. It therefore may describe an adverb, another adjective or a verb. The pronunciation will be "KOH-mey" in Italian.
"Hooray!" is an English equivalent of the Italian UrrÃ?!Specifically, the Italian and the English words are interjections. They express encouragement and enthusiasm. The pronunciation is "oor-RAH."
Semina is an Italian equivalent of the Hebrew word mizra.Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine noun. The Hebrew and the Italian words mean "sowing". The pronunciation will be "SEY-mee-nah" in Italian.
DEH-rek is an Italian pronunciation of 'Derek'. The word in English isn't an Italian name. It's foreign and loan words that are spelled with the letter 'k' in Italian. A more Italian way of spelling is 'Derec'.