'DEE-oh tee BEH-neh-DEE-kah' is how you pronounce 'Dio ti benedica', which is Italian for 'God bless you'.
Che Dio ti benedica. "Dio la benedica". "Dio la benedica".
"Bless you!" in English is Dio ti benedica! and, after a sneeze, Salute! in Italian.
Dio ti benedica! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "God bless you!"Specifically, the masculine noun Dio is "God." The object pronoun ti means "(informal singular) you." The present imperative benedica translates as "(he/it/one/she) bless" in this context.The pronunciation will be "DEE-o tee BEY-ney-DEE-ka" in Italian.
Che Dio ti benedica!is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "May God bless you!"Specifically, the conjunction che is "that". The masculine noun Dio means "God". The personal pronoun timeans "(informal singular) you". The verb benedica translates as "may bless".The pronunciation will be "key DEE-oh tee BEY-ney-DEE-kah" in Italian.
Dio ti benedica in the singular and Dio vi benedica in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "God bless." The blessing uses the second person informal singular for one "you" in the first instance and the second person informal plural for one "you" idiomatically and "you all" grammatically. The respective pronunciation will be "DEE-o tee BEY-ney-DEE-ka" in the singular and "DEE-o vee BEY-ney-DEE-ka" in the plural in Italian.
Dio ti benedica is an Italian equivalent of 'God bless [you]'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'DEE-oh tee beh-neh-DEE-kah'.In the word by word translation, the masculine gender noun 'Dio' means 'God'. The personal pronoun 'ti' means 'you'. The verb 'benedica' means '[he/she/it] blesses, does bless, is blessing'.
Dio ti benedice is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "God blesses you".Specifically, the masculine noun Dio is "God". The personal pronoun ti means "(informal singular) you". The verb benedice translates as "blesses, does bless, is blessing".The pronunciation will be "DEE-oh tee BEY-ney-DEE-tchey" in Italian.
buona fortuna e addio
O Dio mio! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Oh my God!"Specifically, the interjection o means "oh." The masculine noun Dio means "god." The masculine possessive adjective mio means "my."The pronunciation is "oh DEE-oh MEE-oh."
Vieni qua, bella! Dio, ti voglio! in Italian means "Come here beautiful! god, I want you!" in English.
Grazie a Dio ti ho trovato! in the singular and Grazie a Dio vi ho trovato in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Thank God I found you!" The above-mentioned forms also may be found with the colloquial, conversational components t'ho and v'ho with their respective sentences. The respective pronunciation will be "GRAt-syey a DEE-o tee o tro-VA-to" in the singular and "GRA-tsyey a DEE-o vee o tro-VA-to" in the plural in Italian.
Ti amo anch'io, amore.