About three and a half hours.
From Fort Worth TX : Auburn AL 688mi, 1329mi to Auburn NY, Auburn WA 1647, 1393mi to Auburn CA, and Auburn ME 1653
The current total local sales tax rate in Auburn, AL is 9.0%.
The address of the Auburn Preservation League is: Po Box 2945, Auburn, AL 36831-2945
The driving distance from Marion, AL to Auburn, AL is approximately 55 miles. The journey typically takes around 1 hour by car, depending on traffic conditions.
It is 345 miles from Auburn, Alabama to Tavares, Florida.
Driving from Birmingham AL to Auburn AL the distance is 146 mi (about 2 hours 18 mins). Distance between Birmingham, England, United Kingdom and Auburn, Alabama, United States is 4226 miles (6800 km) (3672 nautical miles).
285 miles
32 miles
Huntsville, AL Montgomery, AL Auburn, AL Temple, GA Athens, AL
If you mean Auburn, AL then it is only about an hour away to Columbus, GA where Feathers & Friends carry rabbits.
Auburn won the first Iron Bowl on February 22, 1893, with a score of 32-22.