No, Amarillo is bigger than Lubbock in terms of population size. Amarillo's population is around 200,000, while Lubbock's population is around 250,000.
There are about 170 miles between Abilene, TX and Lubbock, TX.
No There is not a Macy's in Lubbock, the closest Macy's Department Store to Lubbock, TX is in Ft. Worth, TX.
In a 2008 estimate, the population was 220483 people.
The total driving distance from Dallas, TX to Lubbock, TX is 346 miles.
There are 457 miles between Lubbock, TX and Sugar Land, TX.
It is 463 Miles from Houston to Lubbock.
New Mexico is closer to Lubbock, TX.
what stations in lubbock tx have ethanol free gas?
Lubbock, TX is 3256 ft (922 m) above sea level.
The distance between Lubbock, TX and Galveston, TX is approximately 450 miles.
What is the halfway point from Lubbock Texas and Longview Texas