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Being disciplined gives you opportunity to achieve success in whatever you do. It helps you to learn to control your ways like resisting to watch TV programs all the time especially if you have something more worth doing. It also helps you to control your anger and impatience. In this case, you can also have good, harmonious relationships with other people. With discipline, it's easier to battle the problems of life and to achieve bigger goals and success.

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Q: What is the need for discipline?
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The Young Need Discipline was created in 1994.

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No - simply because, in a classroom there is always a need for discipline. No machine is capable of administering discipline.

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we need to discipline ourselves

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Dharma as what is worth and correct to do, spiritually.or Sadhana as the path with its proper set of rules, you need to respect in spiritual life.And there are many terms concerning discipline regarding different object of the discipline. For example, sexual discipline is Bramacharya, discipline in non violence, ahimsa, and so forth.

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An* artist. You need motivation, imagination and discipline.

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To maintain discipline in a classroom, things need to be in order. You should always follow through with making sure you are reprimanding children.

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poise, discipline, physical strength, flexibility, slippers and money.

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What do kids need?

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