Retention rates tend to grow based on the academic level of a degree and wether the degree comes from a private or public school. Private schools tend to have a much higer graduation rate. According to ACT surveys, less than 30% of two year students will complete their degree, Approximately 40% of bachelor's degree students at public colleges get their degrees in 5 years or less while more than 57% of students in privatge colleges get their degrees in the same time frame. A similar gap between publics and privates exists for Masters and Phd students.
The most effective college student retention method is in the form of money. Most colleges try to attract or retain the best students in order to continue to obtain financial assistance and stabilty. Some colleges have a tuition retention credit and is awarded to the student during low attendance or a spike in drop-outs.
The average auto insurance rates in Florida are slightly lower than the national average. The average auto insurance rate in Florida is around $1,550.
The national average for mortgage rates for those with bad credit is currently about 3%. Round Point Mortgage company currently has one of the lowest rates.
The car insurance in Texas is relatively close to the national average. It may be a few dollars more but it is not much.
T-Mobile's pre-paid phone rates are on par with the national average.
it can be compared in kilo watts per hour
The average current mortgage refinance rates are 3.75 for the national population. This figure is changing a lot and is never the same over a long period of time.
No, car insurance in Virginia rates around the middle when it comes to the national average.
Kansas auto insurance rates are actually lower than the National average.
The car insurance rates in Texas are around the national average. They are no where near as expensive as it is in Florida and New York.
The interest rates range from 1% to 1.10%, which according to Discover Card's website, are highly competitive and consistently beat the National Average.
States in the midwest, such as Kansas, Wyoming and Montana have cheap auto insurance rates compared to the national average. States in the north east, such as New York and New Jersey have very high auto insurance rates.