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harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being morally harmful

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Q: What is the meaning of the word noxious?
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What is the meaning of the word noxious in the sentence above?

The word "noxious" means harmful or poisonous. In the context above, it suggests that the substance or entity being described is detrimental to health or well-being.

What word comes from the Latin word noxa meaning injury?

The word "noxious" comes from the Latin word "noxa" meaning injury.

What does Nauxsous mean?

It is possible that you are thinking of the word noxious, meaning extremely bad or toxic.

What is the root word of obnoxious?

The root word of "obnoxious" is "nox," which comes from Latin meaning "night."

A sentence with the word noxious?

The fumes from the factory were noxious and made it difficult to breathe.

Is the word noxious a verb?

No it is an adjective.

What word means harmful or dangerous?


What is skunk in Latin?

skunk in Latin is mephitis meaning noxious vapour

What is another word for noxious weed?

Noxious weed is the umbrella name for a group of weeds that are hazardous to crops, humans and/or habitats. For a list of many of the plants that are classified as noxious weeds, please refer to the related link.

Where did you get the word virus?

The word "virus" originated from Latin, where it meant a slimy liquid or poison. Its modern meaning as a pathogenic agent was first used in the late 19th century by scientists studying infectious diseases.

What words have the Latin root noxa meaning injury?

Words with the Latin root "noxa" meaning injury include "noxious," "innocuous," and "nocturne."

What is a sentence for the word noxious?

There are some noxious people who clutter up this service by posting their homework questions that they could very well figure out for themselves with a tiny bit of effort.