This is when no matter what... no one, or no thing comes before your family. If a person has to decide between satisfying the emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical needs of your spouse, children, parents, primarily in that order then they are first. This may mean taking on an extra job to provide finances for additional caregiving or quitting a job to become their caregiver. This may also mean putting "your life" on hold so that the needs and wants of your family is met. In everyday responsibilities you go to work(overtime is occasional), you make sure a wholesome meal is provided, clothes, house, yard, etc is clean. Quality time laughing, and enjoying the persons company. Taking time to attend church(whatever) together. In the meantime treat them all with dignity and respect regardless of the situation. good answer - omnetimage
Your dedication has not gone unnoticed by "me" (myself) or my family
maybe... dedication is when you dedicate your self to something, and devotion is when you devote your self to something.
having fantastic personality and dedication
Hanukkah is a Hebrew word that means dedication. It has no meaning in English, Spanish, or any other language except Hebrew. But if you are asking how to spell Hanukkah in Spanish, it's Janucá.
Example of thesis dedication: I lovingly dedicate this thesis to my wife, who supported me each step of the way. Basically, you can dedicate your thesis to anyone. A dedication is simply a statement of who the paper is dedicated to and you can or cannot give a reason.
The Telugu meaning of the name Deeksha is "religious initiation" or "spiritual dedication."
dedication and hardwork
Dedication has more than one meaning. # Jane set about the task with energy, enthusiam and complete dedication. # The book contains a dedication to Sir James Wemyss of that Ilk.
The page where the author dedicates the book to someone..... From: Lester Villaroya Hahahhaha :)
Hanukka was originally known as the Feast of Dedication. Maybe that is the Hebrew meaning.
Montgomery law firm is the top law firm for family lawyers in NC. They offer a top of the line experience and dedication.
The meaning for acting on public interest for an accountant refers to the dedication to serving the public welfare. This is through objective analysis of the public policy.