If its a Poem or speech or something it's Pitch, Pace and Pause so volume, speed and stopping effectivley!
The elements of drama are plot, character conflict, language and idea, and spectacle.
the elements of a drama are the following:charactersplotthemedialogueconventiongenreaudiencestagecraftdesign
There are six main elements of drama: plot, character, theme, dialogue, music, and spectacle. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in creating a compelling and engaging theatrical performance.
The masks, or faces, represent tragedy and comedy. These are two of the main elements of drama.
I believe you are looking for three: the exposition, conflict and resolution.
elements of drama are:plotcharacterssettingdialoguekinds of drama:comedytragedyforcefantasy
The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsRead more: What_are_the_nine_elements_of_drama
what are the two main division of drama?what are the qualities of drama?
The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsSome have been taught hat there were only 6 elements of drama...at least only six from Aristotle. They are as follows.PlotCharacterThemeDialogue/DictionMusic/RhythmSpectacle
what are the two main division of drama?what are the qualities of drama?
The kinds of drama are the comedy, tragedy, farce, melodramaand musical.The elements of drama are characters, setting, plot, dialog, design, theme and stage directions.
I believe you are looking for three: the exposition, conflict and resolution.