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Gliricidia sepium was created in 1760.
Gliricidia sepium is the scientific name for kakawate.
The English name for kakawate is Madre de Cacao or Gliricidia sepium.
Kantutay - Scientific name: Lantana camara L.
Hedge Bindweed, Field BindweedConvulvulus sepium, Convulvulus arvensis
Multi-functionalityis the importance of kakawate leaves.Specifically, the leaves of the kakawate tree (Gliricidia sepium) are aesthetic in their growth pattern as medium green, pointed-tipped, rounded-based leaflets oppositely arranged along branches. They can be processed to control pests(insects, nuisance wildlife, ticks), fertilize soil, and treat skin conditions (dermatitis, scabies). They provide shade in the hot, humid parts of Guatemala, Honduras, and Philippines where they flourish.
Kakawate [Gliricidia sepium] isn't a fertilizer. Instead, it's an ornamental tree that functions as a natural fertilizer. Specifically, it shares membership with beans and peas in the Fabaceae family. That family is known for its contributions to soil fertility. It does so by nitrogen-fixation, which makes present but inaccessible nitrogen available in the soluble form that plant roots and soil food web critters need for intake.Nitrogen is one of the three main components in the fertilizer that you buy from the store or that you make through composting.
Hedge Bindweed, Field BindweedConvulvulus sepium, Convulvulus arvensis
cHedge Bindweed, Field BindweedConvulvulus sepium, Convulvulus arvensisEDIT:Boston, Massachusetts.
Hedge Bindweed, Field BindweedConvulvulus sepium, Convulvulus arvensis
A bellbind is another term for a Rutland beauty, a species of bindweed, Latin name Calystegia sepium, found throughout the Northern hemisphere.
cHedge Bindweed, Field BindweedConvulvulus sepium, Convulvulus arvensisEDIT:Boston, Massachusetts.