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Q: What is the length ratio of femur to tibia?
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What is between the femur and the tibia?

hinge joint

Which bone is the longest in the human skeleton Fibula Femur Tibia?

The femur.

Is your tibia connected to your femur?


What are the 4 bones in the legs?


What is the formula to measure the length of a femur and tibia into centimeters?

Measurement of a length in centimetres does not require a formula. All it requires is a tape measure calibrated in centimetres.

What are the names of 5 bones in your legs?

they are femur,tibia,fibula,phanlanges,tersal,and metatersal

What are the three main bones in the human leg?

The three main bones in the human leg are the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and fibula (calf bone). These bones provide structure, support, and mobility to the lower limbs.

What bones articulates with the inferior end of the femur?

The inferior end of the femur articulates with the tibia and patella. The femur forms the knee joint with the tibia and the patella acts as a protector and provides leverage for the quadriceps muscles.

Which bone will join with the femur?

The femur bone will join with the hip bone, specifically the acetabulum, to form the hip joint.

Give names of leg bones?

Femur in upper leg then fibula and tibia in lower leg

What 3 bones contribute to the knee joint?

The three bones that contribute to the knee joint are the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and patella (kneecap). These bones work together to allow for the movement and stability of the knee joint.

What bones are included with the lower limb?

Femur, tibia and fibula, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges