Buteo Jamaicensis.
the latin name for red moss is "arusseus masis". !
A bloodfin is a South American characin - a variety of fish related to the carp, Latin name Aphyocharax anisitsi, which has a blood-red tail and fins.
The red maple is also known as scarlet maple and swamp maple or Acer rubrum (Latin name).
The Latin name for the Red Kangaroo Paw is Anigozanthos manglesii.
Rubia Tinctorum from the generic name derived from latin ruber to mean red.
The Latin name for a red maple tree is Acer rubrum
You pronounce red eyed tree frogs in latin Agalychnis Callidryas.
Acer rubrum
Because of the bright red lines in its emission spectrum, they chose a name derived from the Latin word rubidus, meaning "dark red" so the name rubidium.
The Latin name for it is melanerpes erythrocephalus