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An Artificial Intelligence knowledge base aims to compile human expert knowledge to aid in decision-making, problem-solving, and other processes. Knowledge base systems have been created over time to support a variety of organisational processes.

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Anurag gth

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1y ago
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10y ago

artificial intelligence only has the amount of knowledge one puts into the programing of the IA

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Q: What is the knowledge in artificial intelligence?
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Artificial intelligence is a computer programming objective; it is not directly related to chemistry. It does require knowledge of chemistry in order to be able to build computers in the first place, but the computers are already built before you begin to study artificial intelligence.

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== == The breadth of commonsense knowledge.The subsymbolic form of some commonsense knowledge.

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence - album - was created in 2001.

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Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence was created in 1997.

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Artificial Intelligence II was created on 1994-05-30.

When was Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence created?

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence was created in 1979.

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence was created on 2001-06-29.