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Q: What is the importance of idea of randomness in the field of education?
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What similar idea do Daniel Defoe and Mary Wollstonecraft express in their essays?

Both Daniel Defoe and Mary Wollstonecraft express the idea of the importance of education in their essays. They both emphasize the transformative power of education in shaping individuals and societies for the better. Defoe highlights the benefits of practical education in his essay on the education of women, while Wollstonecraft advocates for the education of women to achieve gender equality.

Is 'importance' or 'education' an abstract noun?

An abstract noun is a word that represents a concept, idea, thought, feeling, event, or quality, not a material thing. An abstract noun represents something that cannot be perceived by the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, or smell.Since "importance" and "education" are both intangible, they are both abstract nouns.

Is it a good idea to register for a finance distance learning degree?

It may be a good idea if you want to work in this field. If you want to be able to control your finances in the future it will be smart to consult someone about that but not to get a formal education about it.

What Dutch humanist helped to spread the idea of humanism?

Desiderius Erasmus, a Dutch humanist, played a significant role in spreading the idea of humanism. Through his works and correspondence, he advocated for the reform of the Catholic Church and promoted the importance of education and critical thinking.

Can electronics engineers work in sourcing?

People with engineering degrees have a high level of education and therefore can work in jobs that are of lessor importance or have less required education. The problem is that they are often told they are "over qualified." The other important thing is the education they have can be very expensive and so it is not a good idea for them to take a job that does not pay well.

What idea is in Diego Rivera's Alfabetizacion?

It represents the idea of free education.

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To introduce an idea to a reader.

What is an example of central idea in speech?

An example of a central idea in a speech could be "the importance of early childhood education in shaping future success" or "the need for stricter gun control laws to reduce violence in society." This central idea acts as the main theme that the speech revolves around and provides a clear focus for the audience.

What idea did horace mann contribute to the education system?

Education should be free

What was the central idea of the enlightenment?

The central idea of the Enlightenment was the belief in reason, scientific method, and individual rights. It emphasized the importance of education, freedom of thought, and challenging traditional authority. The Enlightenment sought to advance knowledge, promote tolerance, and improve society through critical thinking and rationality.

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i have the slightist idea. :/

The internet has critical role in the distance education develop this idea with comment?

the internet has critical role in the distance education m develop this idea with comment