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Audio visual devices enhance the interest of students, especially students of quite young age. As children take interest in colours and different devices, instruments, it's quite easy to teach them.

As well as teen agers also take interest in pictures and practice, they also want to do their work by themselves. So audio visual teaching is much effective than conservative teaching.

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Q: What is the importance of AV aids in teaching?
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What are AV aids in teaching?

Audio-visual aids. These can be films, overhead drawings, power point or pictures that add to the discussion and understanding of the topic.

Importance of teaching?

Teaching aids are highly important, especially when teaching someone about something they may never see in reality. Teaching aids are available in a number of formats to suit any learning style. Options include DVDs, books, videos, and hands-on teaching aids.

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There are a great many objects that are used as teaching aids in the classroom. These objects include white boards and worksheets for example.

What are types of AV aids in teaching?

Types of audiovisual aids in teaching include multimedia presentations, videos, digital slideshows, interactive whiteboards, and educational software. These aids enhance learning by engaging students visually and auditorily, helping to reinforce key concepts and improve retention.

What pitfalls should teachers avoid in using teaching aids?

Teachers should avoid relying too heavily on teaching aids to the point where they overshadow the lesson content. It is important not to use teaching aids as a crutch, but instead integrate them seamlessly into the lesson. Additionally, teachers should ensure that teaching aids are age-appropriate and relevant to the learning objectives.

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What has the author Leslie Weldemar Nelson written?

Leslie Weldemar Nelson has written: 'Instructional aids' -- subject(s): Aids and devices, Teaching 'Guide to student teaching' -- subject(s): Student teaching