The Greek word for star is αστέρι (a-STE-ri). The stress in of the caps.
The modern greek word for star is "αστέρι" (asteree), the ancient greek word for star is "αστήρ" (asteer).
The Greek root word of "astronomically" is "astron," which means star.
starTechnically star in Greek is "star", however the Greek word for star is astro.
The word star comes from the Greek word "ἀστήρ" Aster meaning Star.
The word that means star shaped mark in Greek is "asterisk." It comes from the Greek word "asteriskos," which means little star.
star = ástron (άστρον)
The Greek root word of astronomy is "astron," which means star.
Her name! She was a "star", as astria is a Greek derivative of the word for star.
Asteroid comes from the Greek word Aster meaning star.Other words that have Aster as there route :-Asterism(Star Constellation), Disaster (Bad Star), Asterisk (Small Star),