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Eυχαρίστηση (ev-har-EEST-ee-see)

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Q: What is the greek word for pleasure?
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What is the root word for hedonism?

The root word for hedonism is "hedone," which means pleasure or enjoyment in Greek. Hedonism is a belief system that emphasizes seeking pleasure and avoiding pain as the ultimate goals in life.

What is New Testament Greek word for entertainment?

Strong's Greek 619 is the closest word I can find that has that broad of a scope as it does in English. Apolausis is the word meaning to have the faculty or experience of enjoyment, to take pleasure in. Hope it helps.

What is the Greek word for grace?

The Greek word translated "grace" in the New Testament is charis, from which we get the modern word "charity." It is defined as, "that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness; good will, favor, merciful kindness."

What's the word in sanskrit for pleasure?

The word for pleasure in Sanskrit is "Ananda."

Who is the Greek god of pleasure?

Wine and pleasure went together, so: Dionysus.

Who is hedone pleasure?

The meaning of the Greek word 'hedone' is pleasure/enjoyment, she is the Roman goddess Voluptas (daughter of Cupid and Psyche); but for the Greeks she is Aphrodite who is also given the name Hedone as one of her various names.

What language does the word indulge come from?

it comes from the greek word indulgence meaning to to fill one`s desire for pleasure whether it be using chocolate to release endophrines in the body.

What is the Greek name for the Greek god Aphrodite?

Aphrodite is the Greek name of the Greek goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and and procreation..

Greek goddnes of love and pleasure?

That would be Aphrodite.

What Parts of speech is pleasure?

The word 'pleasure' is a noun.

How do you spell pleasure?

That is the correct spelling of the word "pleasure".

What is the french word for pleasure?

the french word for pleasure is : plaisir. It is masculine, so it is le plaisir. For example: C'est mon plaisir--it is my pleasure.