spelling in greek : τώρα
with English letters tora, pronouned: toh-ra
No. The Greek word for now is "tora."
The word 'now' has no Greek meaning, however, if you wanted to know how to say 'now' in Greek, that would be "tora".
Τώρα (tora).
That means the word "now".
octopi Octopi is not incorrect, but is not technically correct either. Octopi is Latin and is the correct plural of Octopus, but the word octopus is not Latin. It is a Greek word. And the correct plural of octopus in Greek is "octopedes". Now the real kicker is that even though it's a Greek word, any word that is used in the English language is now an English word. So the Greek or Latin plural is technically incorrect. The official, proper pronunciation is -- octopuses. Source: Merriam-Webster
From Latin and very similar to Greek meaning 'around or round about'. It is now a loan word meaning 'both'
the greek word for egg is: avgo
The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).
The Greek word for 'science' is "επιστήμη" (epistímē).
The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.
There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''Γκόλφ''.
There is no word for jeans in Greek. We use the word ''jeans'' or in Greek letters τζίνς.